Photo: Erik Sandström

Photo: Erik Sandström

When I was 14 years old, my mother took me to a seminar arranged at the local hospital. I had no idea what to expect, but it turned out the speaker was a professor talking about stress and the brain. That evening inspired my future choices in life more than anyone could have ever imagined.

10 years later I started my studies to become a psychologist. Life took many turns during that time - I got married, had children and we moved from city to city more than once. Even so, 14 years after the seminar night with my mother, I ended up working at that very same hospital and pretty soon the stress-speaking professor became my boss.

I remember the first time the professor suggested I should do a seminar together with him. I can´t recall what we spoke about, but I remember the feeling of meeting up with 100 inspired leaders afterwards and following the ripple effects from our talk with curiosity.

Since that day I have done 15 years of public speaking, facilitating workshops and seminars for a bigger audience. This story still lingers in the back of my head, an important awareness about the power of inspiration.

I know that mindful words of knowledge from a speaker really can plant seeds and influence people´s lives.


  • OPEN YOUR LIONMIND. The true story of health psychology and peak performance. 

  • THE ELEPHANT EFFECT. Deeper relationships, stronger teams and successful cooperations.

  • BRAVING THE CHANGE. Dive deeper, break patterns and live fully.

  • PSYCHOLOGICAL SAFETY - the art of Trust.

  • TEAMWORK. Organizing energy and setting the stage for a brighter future.

  • WHEN THINGS GO WRONG - Growing from setbacks and rising from adversatives. Working with transparency and conflict. 

  • WHEN THINGS FALL APART - Living fully with pain and failure, not just staying alive.

  • SUCCESS - AND NOW WHAT? Integrating the new.

  • BE THE CHANGE. Working and thriving in uncertain times.

  • MAKE FEEDBACK FEED YOU. Patterns of communication.

  • YOGA In Real Life - taking the perspective of yoga beyond the mat.

Cecilia speaks with light and depth. She brings clarity and perspective to living and working, in a way we never heard it before. Her talks are both inspiring and functional, making me curious enough to step into new ways of leadership.
— Robin Akerman - CEO